Hello there.

I’m Andrei Atanasov, criminal lawyer and, more importantly, writer. I’m based in Romania, a country you probably don’t know much about, which is a good thing for both of us: I can share my stories with a new audience, and you’ve just discovered a writer with a fresh perspective.

Where am I?

You’ve reached Practice Space, my curated corner of the internet.

Here, I publish short, literary essays and stories inspired by some of my favorite authors, while trying to discover my own voice and hone my craft.

For my essays, think Sherman Alexie meets David Sedaris, while my fiction reads like Raymond Carver had one too many drinks with Roberto Bolaño and decided to call up Yoko Ogawa for a chat.

That sounds cool. Can I have a sample?

Of course. De gustibus non est disputandum, so before you take the leap and subscribe, here, try some of my most popular pieces:



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So, do people actually like your stuff?

It seems so. Here’s what readers (including some big names) have been saying:

Andrei is a sharp writer who always leaves me pondering a question and wanting more. —


Andrei writes bravely, from the heart, in a way that warmly invites self-reflection and meaningful conversation around the subject of being human. —


I really enjoy everything you write, so keep going on writing the way you do 😉 — Sara B, long-time reader

What a thoughtful (and joyful!) newsletter. Andrei is a lovely writer. —


Andrei! That last line! Damn! —

on The Lords of Summer

Andrei's personal essays and reflections are highly relatable and beautifully expressed. If you like short memoir, Practice Space is the space for you! —


If you're looking for a storyteller with excellent craft, diverse trains of thought, and a big heart, Andrei is that person. —

of Nōto by Erika Tovi

What an incredibly beautiful story! I absolutely loved it. To be able to create something like that, and so quickly, shows such talent, real creativity. —

, reader, on Santa’s Last Job

Andrei is a very thoughtful writer who creates inviting pieces that always leave you with interesting and meditative ideas to chew on. —


A bit more about you?

My name is Andrei Atanasov. That’s a pen name, but it’s surprisingly similar to my real name.

Professionally, I’m a criminal lawyer working in the public sector, but my real passion has always been literature.

I’ve been a voracious reader for years, ever since my high school Romanian teacher introduced me to the wonders of the literary world, and I have been writing seriously since the end of 2019, when I penned a surprisingly intense short story about a man who sets himself on fire.

Since then, my stories and essays have been published and reprinted in numerous literary magazines, including Flash Fiction Magazine, Every Day Fiction, and The Bitchin’ Kitsch.

These days, my work tends to be lighter in tone (even, sometimes, comedic), though not always.

What I’m most interested in is substance: complex feelings, profound ideas, characters that feel alive, and stories that feel important. This concept defines what I write much better than genres.

By the way, your logo is awesome! Who created it?

Thanks so much! The logo illustration and handwriting were designed by the amazing Jason Chatfield of New York Cartoons. He’s drawn for The New Yorker, Wired, and Variety magazines, so you know he’s the real deal. If you need any graphic work done, you can’t go wrong with Jason. He’s a consummate artist and a pleasure to work with.

In closing, what can I say? If you enjoy stories with substance, you’re in the right place. Or rather, space.

I hope you stick around.


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Old-school literary writings. Intimate essays and character-driven short stories the way they used to make 'em.


Born in Constanța, Romania. Currently living elsewhere. My stories can be found in various places online and in an obscure bookstore in Halifax, Canada.